About Us
If you want to receive 5% off your order - please just send me a quick message with the subject of 5% OFF.
In your message, please answer the 5 questions below:
What brought you to my store?
If you aren't buying today - why not?
Are you another store looking for more selection for yourself or a builder?
How are my fee's for your order compare to other stores you've bought from/shopped?
What are you looking for that I didn't have?
Thanks for your time an answers!
Thanks for shopping!
I deal significantly in USED bricks, while increasing the NEW parts. All Used parts are washed, cleaned, and sorted personally by me. I strive to sell only quality used bricks, removing anything that is heavily discolored, damaged, abused, or otherwise unacceptable.
If you have any questions, please reach out to me!
Pictures: I will happily provide pictures of any part, minifigure, or order. Just ask!
I want you know what you're getting.
Shipping: I pick and ship any day the store is open (except Sundays). Your order will ship no later than two business days. I ship primarily USPS First Class, assuming the weight of the order qualifies and use a combination of Bubble Mailers and Small Boxes to ship your parts in.
Feedback: I give Feedback once positive feedback showing the order is complete and either Positive Feedback is given, or two weeks after the order is marked "Complete". If you are a new sotre and need the Feedback to get opened, please just let me know!
Quality: I remove any part that has significant damage/wear. I would define the lots in my store as being A & B quality. Everything you get will be useable and clean. These parts are used, so will have scuffs/marks on the glossy surfaces. If the scratch is deep enough it can be seen in indirect light (not using the reflection to highlight the scuffs), I do not sell those parts. They become "garage Lego" for the boys.
Color: These sets are used, and comprise parts made as much as 30 years ago. There is variation within the Lego Molds even when new, so expect to have variation. I will always try to ensure that the colors I ship in your order are consistent amongst the bricks I ship. If you receive the wrong color, especially in the Gray's/Brown's (you know what I am talking about), I will replace the bricks at my cost.
Mistakes: I am sure at some point, I will make a mistake. My commitment is that I will make it right, either by refunding the cost of the parts and related shipping charges, or by replacing the part. Please reach out to me if there is an issue with your order.
Packing Lots: New parts will be bagged grouped into similar Lots to reduce plastic usage. Used Orders and Lots will be bagged together, unless a Tile, in which case I package Tile Lots seperately from other parts to reduce chance of addition scratches. Minifigures will be bagged by Lot. If you wish for me to reduce the bags and save on plastice, I'll be happy to put all of your parts into as few bags as possible, just let me know in your order comments.
Special Requests: If you have a special request for a part that I don't ahve listed, please let me know. I have a large amount of parts that are in process of being cleaned, sorted, and listed, so I may have it. Just shoot me a message.
Happy Building!
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2021